Teee Heee! This makes me happy.


I read this article for my economics class that does not make me happy. It is a 16 page article, but here is the part that really hit home for me:

Many of today’s young adults seem temperamentally unprepared for the circumstances in which they now find themselves. Jean Twenge, an associate professor of psychology at San Diego State University, has carefully compared the attitudes of today’s young adults to those of previous generations when they were the same age. Using national survey data, she’s found that to an unprecedented degree, people who graduated from high school in the 2000s dislike the idea of work for work’s sake, and expect jobs and career to be tailored to their interests and lifestyle. Yet they also have much higher material expectations than previous generations, and believe financial success is extremely important. “There’s this idea that, ‘Yeah, I don’t want to work, but I’m still going to get all the stuff I want,’” Twenge told me. “It’s a generation in which every kid has been told, ‘You can be anything you want. You’re special.’” In her 2006 book, Generation Me, Twenge notes that self-esteem in children began rising sharply around 1980, and hasn’t stopped since. By 1999, according to one survey, 91 percent of teens described themselves as responsible, 74 percent as physically attractive, and 79 percent as very intelligent. (More than 40 percent of teens also expected that they would be earning $75,000 a year or more by age 30; the median salary made by a 30-year-old was $27,000 that
year.) Twenge attributes the shift to broad changes in parenting styles and teaching methods, in response to the growing belief that children should always feel good about themselves, no matter what. As the years have passed, efforts to boost self-esteem—and to decouple it from performance—have become widespread. These efforts have succeeded in making today’s youth more confident and individualistic. But that may not benefit them in adulthood, particularly in this economic environment. Twenge writes that “self-esteem without basis encourages laziness rather than hard work,” and that “the ability to persevere and keep going” is “a much better predictor of life outcomes than self-esteem.” She worries that many young people might be inclined to simply give up in this job market. “You’d think if people are more individualistic, they’d be more independent,” she told me. “But it’s not really true. There’s an element of entitlement—they expect people to figure things out for them.”
Ron Alsop, a former reporter for The Wall Street Journal and the author of The Trophy Kids Grow Up: How the Millennial Generation Is Shaking Up the Workplace, says a combination of entitlement and highly structured childhood has resulted in a lack of independence and entrepreneurialism in many 20-somethings. They’re used to checklists, he says, and “don’t excel at leadership or independent problem solving.” Alsop interviewed dozens of employers for his book, and concluded that unlike previous generations, Millennials, as a group, “need almost constant direction” in the workplace. “Many flounder without precise guidelines but thrive in structured situations that provide clearly defined rules.”
All of these characteristics are worrisome, given a harsh economic environment that requires perhaps most worrisome, though, is the fatalism and lack of agency that both Twenge and Alsop discern in today’s young adults. Trained throughout childhood to disconnect performance from reward, and told repeatedly that they are destined for great things, many are quick to place blame elsewhere when something goes wrong, and inclined to believe that bad situations will sort themselves out—or will be sorted out by parents or other helpers.
Larry Druckenbrod, the university’s assistant director of career services, told me last fall, “This is a group that’s done résumé building since middle school. They’ve been told they’ve been preparing to go out and do great things after college. And now they’ve been dealt a 180.” For many, that’s led to “immobilization.” Druckenbrod said that about a third of the seniors he talked to that semester were seriously looking for work; another third were planning to go to grad school. The final third, he said, were “not even engaging with the job market—these are the ones whose parents have already said, ‘Just come home and live with us.’”
According to a recent Pew survey, 10 percent of adults younger than 35 have moved back in with their parents as a result of the recession. But that’s merely an acceleration of a trend that has been under way for a generation or more. By the middle of the aughts, for instance, the percentage of 26-year-olds living with their parents reached 20 percent, nearly double what it was in 1970. Well before the recession began, this generation of young adults was less likely to work, or at least work steadily, than other recent generations. Since 2000, the percentage of people age 16 to 24 participating in the labor force has been declining (from 66 percent to 56 percent across the decade). Increased college attendance explains only part of the shift; the rest is a puzzle. Lingering weakness in the job market since 2001 may be one cause. Twenge believes the propensity of this generation to pursue “dream” careers that are, for most people, unlikely to work out may also be partly responsible. (In 2004, a national survey found that about one out of 18 college freshmen expected to make a living as an actor, musician, or artist.)”

by Don Peck http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/201003/jobless-america-future


Economy March 2010

When I graduated in 2004 from high school I had the the hopes of making a living as an actor and an artist (those hopes were short-lived as I my self-esteem for performing was not that high….) Wow. Do I fall right into this generation of losers? Sad.

The article discussed the sad, sad economic future we are in for. It scares me. I am worried about myself, my peers and the future of this country. What can I do? Nothing. I can doing nothing. I can work (like I am) and I can spend my money (which I do…the little I have). But what I really need to do, what we all need to do, is have faith in this country. I am having trouble believing any decision maker is going to make the right decision because what is the right decision? Who is right? Who is wrong? Who is to blame? Who is going to pick up the pieces?

I offer no answers.

Economics might be my favorite downer.

(google images)

September 2nd was school picture day. I begged and pleaded with Andy to take a picture with me. He refused and refused, but ultimately gave in to my begging. The result is priceless:

Ms. Nagy & Mr. Gilbert

Cutest Couple 2010-2011

I have been posting this picture all over the Internets and blasting it out in emails and I am quite proud of it. It is not the best picture of us, but it is certainly the most corny. (Notice the happy face sticker on his button.)

Now I know what you may be thinking “is this blog going to be always about my boyfriend?” and the answer is NO! I would never subject you to reading about my love life, but this was funny so I figured I would share.


This weekend I am going to my friend’s baby shower. This is a friend that I have known since 5th grade. For7 years Mallory and I did everything together — we were best friends. College came and that relationship fizzled. Sad story, but a true one. Now she is getting married and having a baby and I feel like even though we were friends for so long, I missed out on so much of her life. Don’t get me wrong I am extremely happy for her, I just wish that I could turn back time (insert Cher joke here) and be a better friend.

It’s not too late.


Sunday Night Football. Fins vs. Jets.


Happy Friday!

So I’m back! Well, at least I am going to try and be back. We will see how long I can keep this up. To tell you the truth, I’ve been pretty good with keeping up with my twitter (twitter.com/tobisarah) so I have some good faith in myself…

With that being said, let’s get to the matter at hand: BOYS!

Currently I have three boyfriends: two fake, one real. Since there is a bigger change that both of my fake boyfriends will read this before my real one does let’s talk about the fake ones first!

#3 Andrew Jenks

Wow. I really enjoy what this guy is doing. Documentaries (even if they are on MTV – and I give MTV some credit because many of the documentaries they do are some of my favorites) are all the rage and he is doing it a way that I can relate. His “World of Jenks” makes me want to pick up a camera and make my own documentaries. The fact that he is a total dream boat and has a super sexy voice, doesn’t hurt either. The episode “Can’t Make Me Be”, where he followed a 20-year-old Autistic boy is a beautiful piece of media. If you haven’t seen it, please check it out.

Andrew Jenks, you are boyfriend #3.

#2 Blake Mycoskie

Whew. I can barely hold myself together with this one. I don’t think there is a bad picture of this man. He is the ultimate do-gooder and I am in love. For those who do not know, Mr. Mycoskie is the man behind the shoes — TOMS shoes that is. Blake’s OneForOne movement has inspired me (and many others) to walk his way. As the ultimate consumer I enjoy buying shoes knowing that not only am I making myself happy but I am also helping put shoes on children who really need it. I spend hours on the TOMS website looking at shoes that I both own and long to own. They are comfy and pretty darn stylish (if I do say so myself). I owe this LOVE for Blake to my bestie KatyBell who introduced me to TOMS. So, Katy, we can share.

Blake Mycoskie, you are boyfriend #2.

#1 Andrew P. Gilbert

Could I find a picture that really describes who Andrew Gilbert is? Yes. But how much fun is this picture?! Here he is. My man. My real man. He is brilliant with his teaching: both in the classroom and in the music room. He takes such good care of me and I truly love him. Lots.

Andrew Gilbert, you will always be boyfriend #1.

Lets keep this up! WordPress, I’ve missed you.






Closed one of the best Lovewell shows ever on Saturday.


Junior show opens tomorrow.


Mom + 3 Brain Surgeries + 3 months = sucks. sucks. sucks!!!!!!!!!

Longtime no post!

But now I can constantly post from my iPhone 3gS. Yes that was a name drop and yes if you don’t have an iPhone you should totally be jealous. I have had it for two days and it has already changed my life.

I need a good name for her. I have decided that it is a she since everything else I own is a he. Don’t want to discriminate.

In other new:
Lovewell is rocking, per usual. I have been working really hard on the programs/playbills for both shows. It is hardwork but I am really proud of myself for taking on the challenge. Plus it gave me the opportunity to install iWork on Stabler (my mac). I am loving that program, LOVING it!!!!!

Friday was Carrie’s birthday and we all had so much fun! Andy and I both came out on top at poker, we played some serious games of chair of truth and just had an overall great time.

Florida summers are my favorite. I spend my days loving life, loving the beach, loving good BBQ, loving great friend, and just loving.

today about 90 people (including the surgical team) showed their support for my mom by wearing our tumor t-shirts. 

today about 35 people sat in the waiting room waiting.

today my mom went into the hospital with a tumor and woke up without one.

4:00a – wake up

4:45a – leave house

5:30a – arrive at hospital 

6:00a – give kisses #1

6:30a – move to different waiting room

7:00a – give kisses #2

7:15a – eat breakfast

7:25a – kisses

7:30a – begin surgery 

7:38a – wait…

was a one hit wonder in the 80s.

was a one hit wonder in a lovewell song.


written about the same thing: yes.


i have a lack of things to write about.


tee hee. 

i am 5.

my mom has created a blog to keep peeeps updated about her tumor (said like arnold) MINI.





May 2024